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What is Porn Addiction and How to Quit it?

"Addiction is the disease that makes you too selfish to see the havoc you created or care about the people whose lives you have shattered.”


Porn is “Pleasuring On Regressed Nonsense,” said one porn addict and the other addict said that porn is “The Pursuit Of Pleasure in Pixels”. But whatever you think porn is, one thing is for sure, that Porn is a parasite. It steals your life from you, it feeds off your time and potential to grow and be what you truly can be. It gradually destroys your time, dignity, self-esteem and potential. It has a kind of negative hypnotic effect, that is, it grabs and then keeps your focus of attention locked until you wake up from the porn trance feeling empty, worthless, exhausted and miserable, your self-esteem destroyed.

Porn and masturbation are a deadly duo. They can ruin your physical, mental, and spiritual life. They have ruined marriages, careers and lives of hundreds and thousands of people who were not aware of how dangerous they
 can be, and if you are reading this blog, probably, you might have already experienced some of their negative effects.

Feelings of boredom, insecurity, and loneliness or even just having the opportunity can all result in porn addiction. These feelings can easily start to become automatically anchored to and then associated with using porn. So, you might be using porn as a way of numbing or escaping certain feelings and situations or to take the edge off the stress and tensions in your life. But porn is a parasite, it never has and never will deliver what it promises, because the more you view it, the more you want to view it and the more extreme the pornography that you will seek out.

You might have made efforts to control it, you may go for days, weeks or even months without using porn and then almost without knowing it you are back into it again, you might have fooled yourself thinking that you are not really hooked, or that you will just view porn for few minutes but then you were entranced again by the porn and hours went past and you woke up from the porn trance feeling empty, worthless, exhausted and miserable, filled with self-disgust and your self-esteem destroyed.

So, to completely get rid of your porn addiction, what is required is the elimination of the need for porn and not suppression. Suppression of the porn cravings is not the eradication of this habit. You can never be free of that which is suppressed. The suppressed porn cravings will attack you again and again and will produce withdrawing symptoms, wet dreams, irritability and restlessness of mind. You know how this world is crazy about “
everything sex”, everywhere there are porn triggers, everything is sexualized, you just cannot run away from this world where everything has been sexualized.

Hence, repression or suppression of the porn cravings will not help you much. If they are suppressed, they will again manifest with even stronger force when a suitable opportunity arises, when the will becomes weak, when your motivation wanes, when there is slackening in your desire to quit porn, when you become weak owing to an attack of disease, stress or anxiety. Do not try to run away from porn, if you do, it will then chase you terribly on every corner. All these cravings, the desire to watch porn is in the mind. If the mind is subdued, what can these external triggers and porn cravings do?

So, what is wanted is a judicious control of your mind. The mind should not be allowed to run riot in sensual grooves. It should not be allowed to throw us ruthlessly into the deep pit of porn and masturbation. And this blog will 
give you more than 45 techniques to get control over your mind and your addiction.

The techniques which we are discussing are taken from the book "30 ROADS AWAY FROM PORN - More than 30 Real Techniques to Quit Porn".

The first 53 pages of the book can be downloaded free from HERE.

You can purchase it from Google Books HERE.

You can purchase it from Apple Books HERE.

Or you can purchase it as Kindle Book HERE.

Or you can get the Paperback HERE.

If you want to know more about quitting porn using Sexual Energy Transmutation, then checkout my kindle book - QUITTING PORN: WITH SEXUAL ENERGY TRANSMUTATION


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