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Porn addiction and Medical Science

“A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.”

Muhammad Ali

There’s an old saying in the teaching world: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Then tell them. And then tell them what you told them.” And so, as you move through this blog, you’ll probably notice much repetition of thoughts and ideas, because we usually learn best through repetition.

There are few things in this blog which are not scientifically proven yet and when you come across them, you will have two options to choose from.

  1. Try those things and prove their effectiveness for yourself.
  2. Or, wait until there is scientific proof for their effectiveness before you try them.

But be aware, if you go for the second option, you would have to wait for a few decades before the scientific world catches up with the lived experience
 of porn addicts. And it would be too late for you. 

Always remember that science will always lag behind the lived experience.

The case with every new phenomenon is that science lags behind the lived experience.

Just take a look at History.

Doctors advertising cigarettes and prescribing them as a treatment for Asthma. Until smokers started getting diagnosed for cancer.

“Children’s Soothing Syrups” used to soothe those little brats which had morphine, chloroform, heroin, powdered opium, etc. Until science discovered the effects of those drugs.

Using mercury to cure pretty much anything and everything. Until people started noticing harmful effects on their lungs, kidneys, nervous, digestive and immune systems.

Using heroin to cure your cough until we got to know about the effect of it on our bodies and minds.

People using Lobotomy (making an incision to the frontal lobe) to treat mental illnesses, ranging from conditions as serious as schizophrenia to something as mild as depression or anxiety. Until they saw how bad an idea it was.

And girls using radioactive cosmetics, containing Radium until they started dying from Radioactive exposure.

The list can go on and on and on, but the point I am trying to make here is that science will always lag behind the lived experience. Because it has to, it's natural. You cannot reach any conclusion unless you have enough proof and evidence. If we had not noticed the effects of Tobacco, Radium, Mercury, Heroine, Morphine, etc., we would still be using them today as we used to do in the past. But people lived through those times, people went through the experience, the sufferings. Only and only after that science caught up with their experience and told them that what they were doing was not a good idea.

A similar thing is happening now, history is repeating itself again. Millions of people are watching porn on a regular basis, and millions are suffering from a range of symptoms. From social anxiety to Premature ejaculation.

The brave souls, however, those who don’t like waiting until science tells them that porn is bad. People who listen to their minds and bodies more than the so-called experts. People who don’t fear to face the truth, the people on r/NoFap
, r/PornFree, r/MuslimNofap, r/Semenretention subreddits, have come
forward to tell the world again that – the case with every new phenomenon is that science lags behind the lived experience.

So, it is better to be safe than sorry. To quit porn now and reap the benefits, rather than wait for a few more decades when science will accept these people to be the pioneers in this field.

If you are reading this, it is clear that either you or your loved one is addicted to Porn. If it's you, you already know that porn is bad for you. And if it's your loved one, the chances are that he/she is on the denial mode and you are looking for ways to prove to him/her that porn is bad. Get him/her on to It will definitely be an eye-opener.

If you are addicted, or your loved one, the only thing that matters most is – “What are you going to do to get FREE? “.

Do you have enough knowledge about the ways in which to quit porn? If your answer is “No”, then this blog is definitely for you. Read on.

The techniques which we are discussing are taken from the book "30 ROADS AWAY FROM PORN - More than 30 Real Techniques to Quit Porn".

The first 53 pages of the book can be downloaded free from HERE.

You can purchase it from Google Books HERE.

You can purchase it from Apple Books HERE.

Or you can purchase it as Kindle Book HERE.

Or you can get the Paperback HERE.

If you want to know more about quitting porn using Sexual Energy Transmutation, then checkout my kindle book - QUITTING PORN: WITH SEXUAL ENERGY TRANSMUTATION


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