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“Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you are done.” Marilyn Monroe WHAT DO I DO? When you are craving for porn and masturbation, first notice how strong is your craving and rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. Now take two fingers of either hand and tap about ten times under your collarbone while you continue to think about your craving. Now tap under your eye ten times. Now tap under your collarbone again. Place your other hand in front of you and tap on the back of it between your ring finger and your little finger. Continue to think about your porn craving as you do this and each of the steps that follow. Keep tapping, keeping your head still, close your eyes and open them, look down to the right and then to the left. Rotate your eyes around 360 degrees clockwise and then counterclockwise. Now hum the first few lines of your favorite song out loud. Count out loud from 1 to 5. Once again hum the first few lines of your favorite song out loud. Stop and check-on a scale from 1 to 10, wha

Benefits of NoFap with Images

  Jay Onwukwe , in his book “ Sexual Energy Transmutation: The Secret Path to Health, Wealth and Genius ” writes a very poetic description of things which semen retention (or Quitting Porn and Masturbation) can do and you will find it repeated many times in this blog to keep you motivated. He says that, when you retain your semen and don’t ejaculate it unnecessarily, your body’s energy and resources can be channeled toward creating that “ SOMETHING ” which is: - The fire in the General’s eye;  The melody in the Singer’s voice;  The flow in the Author’s pen;  The warmth in the Teacher’s voice;  The sprint in the Athlete’s feet;  The firmness in a Hand-shake;  The healing in the Pastor’s hands;  The radiance on the Master’s face;  The eloquence of the Orator;  The charisma of the Statesman;  The genius of the Professor; The charm of a Lover; The acumen of the Businessman;  The doggedness of the Champion;  The creativity of the Artist;  The equanimity of the Adept;  And so on. The techniq

Benefits of Sexual Energy Transmutation - Infographic

  The techniques which we are discussing are taken from the book  " 30 ROADS AWAY FROM PORN - More than 30 Real Techniques to Quit Porn " . The first 53 pages of the book can be downloaded free from  HERE . You can purchase it from  Google Books   HERE . You can purchase it from  Apple Books   HERE . Or you can purchase it as  Kindle Book   HERE . Or you can get the  Paperback   HERE . If you want to know more about quitting porn using Sexual Energy Transmutation, then checkout my kindle book -  QUITTING PORN: WITH SEXUAL ENERGY TRANSMUTATION

Thinking about Porn Comic

The techniques which we are discussing are taken from the book  " 30 ROADS AWAY FROM PORN - More than 30 Real Techniques to Quit Porn " . The first 53 pages of the book can be downloaded free from  HERE . You can purchase it from  Google Books   HERE . You can purchase it from  Apple Books   HERE . Or you can purchase it as  Kindle Book   HERE . Or you can get the  Paperback   HERE . If you want to know more about quitting porn using Sexual Energy Transmutation, then checkout my kindle book -  QUITTING PORN: WITH SEXUAL ENERGY TRANSMUTATION

The Three Laws of Porn Addiction

  The techniques which we are discussing are taken from the book  " 30 ROADS AWAY FROM PORN - More than 30 Real Techniques to Quit Porn " . The first 53 pages of the book can be downloaded free from  HERE . You can purchase it from  Google Books   HERE . You can purchase it from  Apple Books   HERE . Or you can purchase it as  Kindle Book   HERE . Or you can get the  Paperback   HERE . If you want to know more about quitting porn using Sexual Energy Transmutation, then checkout my kindle book -  QUITTING PORN: WITH SEXUAL ENERGY TRANSMUTATION


“Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”  Albert Einstein WHAT DO I DO? Get a piece of paper, and at the top of the sheet write “I want to quit porn, because” (You can do this exercise on a word processing software too, but it is more effective if you do it on a piece of  paper). Write down everything that comes to mind.  You might write that you want to quit porn because you want to feel more in control of your personal, social and professional life, that you want to be healthy mentally, emotionally and physically, that you want to bring your life back on track, or that you want to feel more confident in social interactions, etc. Once you have written everything that came to your mind, keep this sheet of paper handy. And, whenever you feel unstable about quitting porn, read this sheet again and you will be back on track. It is suggestible that you read this sheet of paper every day to keep you on the right track. WHY DO I DO IT? Have you ever observ

Goal Setting and Quitting Porn Addiction

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale Before you quit porn, you need to know why you are quitting it, because the "WHY" or the "REASON" for achieving a goal is the "FUEL" which will keep you on track and give you the necessary push when the going gets tough. WHY ARE YOU QUITTING PORN? There are numerous reasons to quit porn and most of them are mentioned in the below articles The Benefits of Quitting Porn Using Sexual Energy Transmutation Disadvantages of Watching Porn and Masturbation - PART 1 Disadvantages of Watching Porn and Masturbating - PART 2 but they are not as important to you as your own reasons. You might have your own reasons to quit porn. And I would suggest you make a list of those reasons and go through them regularly to stay motivated and on track. If you find it difficult, read again the list of “ How Do I Know If I am Addicted to Porn? ” and also the “ Disadvantages of Watching